
Is there a way to reduce the "sour" flavour of sourdough bread?

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I'm trying to bake bread using the long rising process of natural yeasts (ie not commercial bakers yeast) for the health benefits, but not keen on the strong sour flavour. What can I do to reduce the flavour without opting for commercial bakers yeast?

I've tried using starters from other people, and making my own. I've even purchased a San Francisco starter, but they were all - well, sour. I just want nice normal tasting bread, without having to use instant yeast.




  1. pretty hard to make a sour dough bread with sour dough starter and not have it taste....sour.  You could try flavoring it.  At the bakery I work at we make a walnut raisin sourdough that I though did not taste as sour as the plain. You could try other fruits. You could use herbs to flavor it as well, so try that.  Other than that, I think you are stuck with it.  you may also become used to it the more you eat it.  I never knew yeast messed up a digestive system.  Interesting

  2. That is what makes sourdough bread what it is.  

  3. One thing you could do is make quick breads where you use baking soda/powder or cream of tartar powder as the leavening agent rather than yeast.

    They are quicker to make and you can make them sweet or savory by varying the additions to the bread.

    They make great sandwiches and freeze well.

    Banana bread is a type of quick bread.

  4. Normal bread recipies call for instant yeast because they want the clean flavor not the sour, the thing your missing is yeast taste more sour the longer it is awake and active, so even normal breads with instant yeast that are left to rise or even just left unbaked will turn sour also, i suggest just forking over for the commercial stuff

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