
Is there a way to remove the nail polish remover dripped onto wooden furniture?

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Is there a way to remove the nail polish remover dripped onto wooden furniture?




  1. just wipe it up.....

    then redo the furniture:(

  2. You're mis-stating the problem.

    The problem isn't REMOVING the REMOVER... the problem is the REMOVER - dissolved the VARNISH finish on your wooden furniture.

    The answer is to put the finish back...

    Put down newspaper in your garage or porch...

    Go to get HOME DEPOT (or that kind of store of your choice)

    and get some ACRYLIC Varnish.... choose the original luster, SHINY /  semi gloss - be sure it says "CLEAR"...

    Then in small strokes blend the new varnish to the old...

    Do the whole top if necessary - let dry 24 hours.

    These cans cost about 8 bucks.  (not bad, eh?)

  3. You have to use nail varnish remover and then get some wood varnish, dnt rub the nail nail varnish too hard

  4. no - it burns the varnish off the wood so you need to re-varnish that bit of the furniture

  5. Unfortunately no. I've done it several times, you can clean it off but it strips the wood surface.

  6. you can not remove the polish has done its job of removing the finish from your, go you a craft shop and get a small refinish kit in the right color

  7. Nail polish remover is acetone. Finish on wood furniture is lacquer based products. Acetone removes lacquer based products. The drips are now permanent stains unless you refinish the wood.

    Now if the wood is not finished and is just natural. Then you can sand it out.

  8. oooooh, i have done that before, it totally took the finish off the furniture.

  9. No, you need to sand it and refinish the whole piece, or just put something over the spot to cover it , like a vase, candle it all depends where the stop is tough!

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