
Is there a way to reveal someone red handed if they keep lying and keep denying it?

by Guest66225  |  earlier

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One of my girlfriends keeps denying that she lies, but dose it right in my face with a bunch of bull. I bring up the situation but she gets pist off and moody. How do I get her to her senses properly?




  1. put red paint in there hand soup

  2. She probably won't come to her senses properly if she won't first address the issues.

  3. we need details or atleast one situation that has occurred so we could give you an example of what you could've done!

  4. she has a problem way bigger than you are able to fix.  if you've told her kindly that you are concerned about her tendency to bend the truth, then that is all you can really do until she decides to change for herself.  constantly confronting her about it probably makes it worse.  she possibly enjoys the attention. i would just tune her out when she lies.

    a couple questions for you:

    what makes you feel it's your responsibility to change her?

    why do you still hang out with this person regularly?

  5. OK DAD! quit busting her "balls" and just enjoy having a gf while it keep fussing like that and she will dump you

  6. She has a problem...obviously.  There is no quick fix for someone who lies constantly.  Personally, I would look at her and say "your lying" and go about my day.  Just say "your lying" and nothing else each time.

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