
Is there a way to send an email ONLY to those that are being moderated on my list? Or, do I have to do it ind

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I've had to moderate about 60 people in my group. I've asked people to be sure to give me both their names & matching emails, so that I know there's no spammers who managed to get by without filling out their info. I don't want to bother the rest of the group by continually asking those that haven't forwarded this important info. May I post ONLY to moderated people? Or, must I send an email individually to each of the moderated people? Thank you very, very much for any help or guidance you can provide to me! I'd sure love to hear from someone.






  1. you'll have to send to those individually through your own e-mail. keep in mind, when asking for info from members, they can tell you anything.

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