
Is there a way to stop anestesha from affecting your body?

by  |  earlier

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I know that I spelled it wrong and I am sorry. I also know that this is a stupid question but I've been wondering about it since I am going to have a jaw surgery during Christamas Break...(im 14) and I've been wondering if there was like a way to fight(?) the anestetic so that it doesn't make you fall asleep.Thanks in advance!




  1. fight it?

    Well,you can do as the doctors instruct you to,and not eat any food's a new one I just discovered..not even chewing gum.

    I was supposed to get Anesthesia for wisdom teeth,and i chewed gum before it...and it was a problem.

    As long as you do as the doctor tells you,you should be fine.

    Good luck.  

  2. No, that's the whole  idea, to be asleep so you don't move or have pain.

  3. no theres nothing you can do..? you dont even notice that you starting to fall asleep you just do.. but you kinda feel tingly  

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