
Is there a way to take psychology classes in high school? Or maybe pre-psychology?

by Guest56236  |  earlier

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If so, will it help acceptance into colleges?




  1. depends on if your school offers it.  if it does you can take the class AP and test out of it for Uni.

  2. some high schools do offer psychology. Mine did.

    I think any class that you take in high school (and you get a very good grade in it) will definitely help you get into colleges. You would also have to do well on the SATs though (if you want to go to a really really good college)

  3. I recall my high school offering pre-psychology classes...ask your guidance counselor or a teacher.

    Your overall grades, SAT/ACT scores will help you into college, as well as advanced placement classes.

  4. May I ask where you live?  If you live in the United States, several high schools do offer Advanced Placement Psychology which is a semester-course.  In May, you can write the A.P. exam and if you score well enough on it, you may earn college credit, depending on the institution.  However, if you reside in Ontario, Canada, like I do, there are two courses that could be of interest to you.  In grade eleven, you can take Intro to Society: Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology which I took and found absolutely fascinating.  The course content varies depending on the teacher, but in my experience, we learned almost exclusively about psychology.  One could follow up this course by taking the grade twelve "sister course," Society: Challenge and Change, which deals with the topics of the three previously-mentioned branches of social sciences in a more theoretical way.  Hopefully this helps, but like I said earlier, if you tell us which state/country/general area you live in, I could give you more specific help.  

  5. Ask your concealer if there is a class available. And if there isn't go to the nearest Junior College or Community College  and see if they offer this class to high schoolers.

    Hope this helps!

  6. You can always sign up for a class of two at your local Junior College. Then you can transfer the credits once you're out of high school. Just be ready for some real work.

    As for doing it IN high school, the classes have to be offered. If they're not offered, then you can't take them (to simplify the issue).

    Good luck! Psychology is so much fun.  

  7. I just took psych and it was so much fun! I would ask your counselor if you can take it at a local community college. That's what I did and I got an extra point added to my GPA and 3 college credits, since it counted as an AP course. Ask your community college if they have an academic enrichment program for high school as well. My class didn't even cost me anything because I was from high school!  

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