
Is there a way to tell if you're a medium?

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i've always been the type that could see and feel things that are supernatural, i was just wondering if there are signs that say if i am a Medium or a psychic




  1. Well, quite often, the gifts rely alot of belief. You have to trust in what you're getting, as most of it is very easily dismissed by people who simply don't *want* to see the truth, you know?

    Now, being a medium and being psychic are two different things, though the two very often go hand in hand (but not always). A medium is a spirit channel, someone who can communicate with the dead. A psychic is someone who has spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance or clairaudience. But some signs of being a medium:

    ever get the distinct feeling you're not alone or that you're being watched, when in fact, you're the only person in the house (and even the dog or cat is outside)?

    Ever think you see someone out the corner of your eye (like standing just around a corner, or walking past you, or things like that), but when you look straight on, there's nobody there (especially when there's nobody in the house)?

    Ever had things mysteriously just fall off shelves? Or electronic equipment suddenly malfunction (the TV or lights turn themselves on or off)?

    Ever felt an isolated cold spot? And this isn't an ordinary cold, it's a "standing naked in the snow" kind of icy cold. And by isolated I mean, just the back of your left arm, or just your right foot, or just your hand.

    get headaches a lot? particularly either on the top of your head, between your eyes, or at the back of your head?

    Signs of being psychic (having spiritual gifts):

    do you know whose calling most of the time the phone rings (you're right at least 9 out of 10 times)?

    Know how everyone around you is feeling? find yourself easily sympathizing with them, cause you really CAN put yourself in their shoes?

    Can sense energy in the air around you, emotional or otherwise? Like you walk into a club and you can immediately feel the upbeat vibe people are putting off (or the opposite, walk into a crowd that's just been fighting  and be able to feel the tension in the air)?

    Or you're talking to a friend whose angry with someone, and you suddenly find yourself raging mad and ready to snap someone's head off, when 2 seconds ago you were on cloud nine?

    Do you have very vivid dreams that either come true or bug you with the need to find out what they mean? And it happens a lot?

    See visions, you see images or symbols that overlap what you see normally?

    Get random thoughts that pop all of a sudden into your mind when you were thinking something that wasn't even close to that? And it coincides with either talking to someone or walking past or looking at someone else?

    Just a few. I'm sure if you search the net, there's bound to be a million other signs.

  2. well WHO cares how u label you're self? "Medium or a psychic" are only labels... I think a medium is a person who can communicate with spirits and psychic is one who can communicate with person.

    If u want to learn more about the supernatural( use u're intuition to feel it relay searves u) and grow this gifts ;)

    good luck

    p.s listen to u're experience in all u're life. experience does not lie

  3. ok, the small,medium, large joke has already been made, so I will leave it be.

    Most mediums and psychics who are very successful like Sylvia Browne and John Edwards are fakes. They use techniques known as cold reading. There is little scientific evidence to support the idea of real psychics or mediums. It just hasn't been shown to exist outside of classic cold reading technique users.

    Is it possible that there are psychics and mediums? Sure, anything could be possible.  Lack of solid evidence doesnt exclude the possibility. Real mediums and psychics might exist, unknown.

    How can you tell?

    Keep a journal in a notebook. Keep track of premonitions, communications with spirits, feelings, or senses.

    A premonition, or communication should be listed on an individual page. This allows you enough room to make a followup when it comes true or if you find out information is correct.

    After you fill up the notebook, you can start looking at your track record and determine if you have psychic abilities, medium abilities, or if you just have good intuition.

    Some say good intuition and gut feelings are psychic abilities. I think anyone is capable of these, some have them better than others.

    Good luck.

  4. Well, if you are a true medium, you stand to make a great deal of money.  Go to because there's a million bucks waiting for the first person who can demonstrate true abilities.

    So far, no winners, so I really doubt that you have this ability.

  5. To say you're a medium means you're in between two other things.  Spiritual media are supposedly capable of acting as some sort of translator between the living and the dead.  Since there is no proof in anything along those lines you have to trust the people making the claims.  You have to trust that a total stranger, with no evidence backing up his claim, that he is able to perform supernatural acts, usually for a price.  Remove the supernatural aspects.

    Would you give money to stranger to perform a service if you are able to verify whether or not he performed that service?  Me neither.

  6. Mediumship is a term used mostly in Spiritualism to denote the ability of a person (the medium) to produce psychic phenomena of a mental or physical nature. The term is usually used to denote a person who is thought to be able to facilitate communication with spirits of the deceased, either by going into a trance and allowing a spirit to use their body, or by using extrasensory perception to relay messages from the spirits. Some mediums (or the spirits working with them) are also said to be able to produce physical paranormal phenomena such as materilizations of spirits, apports of objects, or levitation.

  7. sorry, but it sounds like hopeful dreaming to me...

  8. You're not, there is no such thing, what do you mean, "supernatural"? That's a vague term.

  9. Dontknow

  10. if small is too small for you and large is too large, then you're probably a medium

  11. There's no such thing.

  12. If you stay on the grill too long you may have been a medium but now you're medium well or well done.

    If you are truly openminded about mediums, check out

  13. Everyone has the potential for psychic powers or communicating with the dead. I think you should read up on how to strengthen your gifts if you're really serious about developing those skills.

    There aren't any actual signs, but if you do somehow manage to communicate with the dead, you could try asking them for visible signs to show that they understand you. It is important that you do this in a safe manner as there is a risk in everything you do.

    If there are any new age shops near you, the staff in those shops can help you find the right book and give you advice. Good luck!

  14. Check the label on your underwear, mine says medium.

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