a few months back i was threatened by the psycho former best friend of my son's father and because of that, a friend bought me a stun gun. the guy had already broken my windshield and slashed two of my tires, so needless to say, i wasn't taking any chances with my life or my safety, nor my son's life or safety. anyway, this nut job has started threatening me again, so i've decided to keep my stun gun on me at all times. i just would like to know how i can tell if the battery or strength in my stun guy in still up to snuff (literally, i'd LOVE to snuff this guy, but that's another story). the stun gun was purchased at a gun show and the only instructions on it are very basic and on the box. the stun gun requires a 9 volt battery which came with it and have been in it since then. i'd like to make sure that in case of an emergency, my stun gun will be enough to help me. short of using the thing on someone or on my cat (and god knows the cat's been close) how can i test it periodically to make sure it works? should i just possibly invest in a bigger and better stun gun? according to the box the voltage it gives out is 800kv, and the guy is about 5'7, 220 lbs. help please.
i'm not opposed to putting out a protective order against the guy, but i've decided that i won't do that unless i see him in or near my apartment complex again.