
Is there a way to trap a lightning bolt?

by Guest64192  |  earlier

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Is there a way to trap a lightning bolt?




  1. Yes but you'll need to sacrifice a LOT of goats and wine to Zeus. Honestly, what with goat prices these days, I don't even think it's worth it.

  2. There is really no way to trap lightning since lighting is an electrical discharge.  However, you can create your own with an Electrostatic Generator.  I had one as a kid, lots of fun!

  3. no but u can harnis the power from it thay do that some times in big citys with the lightning rods go to a speshil genarator and gos to other bilding around that areya not to the derect bilding the rod is conected to

  4. Sure....during a lightening storm go out on a golf course or an open beach carrying a golf club, umbrella or the longest metal rod (preferably copper) you can carry. Hold it up above your head and wait. You'll know (albeit, very briefly) when you trapped it!!!

  5. no.

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