
Is there a way to whiten your teeth without paying so much to the dentist?

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is there any toothpaste thatACTUALLY works>?




  1. I use hydrogen peroxide.  You can buy it at any store.  Take a swig and swish it around in your mouth for about three minutes, about two or three times a week.  Gradually, it will whiten your teeth.  Just don't use it every day because it can hurt your teeth if you use it too much.

    I used to smoke and I decided to use hydrogen peroxide for it bleaching properties.  What were once yellow teeth are now a pretty white.  It won't give you the snow-white appearance, but trust me, it DOES work.

  2. I really don't whiten my teeth with the dentist. I only clean them with the dentist. I use hydrogen peroxide on my teeth to whiten them. I never swallow the peroxide though, toxic. I just put some in my mouth swash around then use the tooth brush and scrub good. Just rinse out well after you are finished. After a few weeks or months you will have whiter teeth. Then you will thank me.

  3. Whitening toothpaste work to some extent but whitening strips are available in the market.You fasten them on your teeth and wait for 1/2 hour and take them out.Lo your teeth have already whitened.Best wishes

  4. The dental assistant where I go told me to mix two capfuls of peroxide with baking soda and brush the paste all over your teeth (do not swallow it!) then brush with your regular toothpaste and do this three times a week to start out and then increase if you have no sensitivity. She said that should work just as well as the trays. I haven't tried it yet because I've been too lazy to go to the store. It's too hot.  

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