
Is there a way where your employer can find out if you have a degree or not? If so, how can they find out?

by Guest60100  |  earlier

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Just wanted to know b/c someone asked me about it. She wanted to know if her job can find out if she really has an associate degree.




  1. YES, most reputable company's do backround checks on a potential candidate for hire. they usually go through a company who speciali.zes in only backround checks for accuracy

  2. Yes all types of personal information is available.  If she lied to her job, she should just inform her supervisor.  

  3. Yes, it is easy to find out, but most of them don't bother checking. They usually take for granted people who lie about those things will eventually be found out and they can terminate (FIRE!) them at any time.

  4. If she lied on her job application they will  check with the school listed and if the school has no record of her degree the employer will assume that she is a fraud.  If it mattered to me I always requested a copy of the degree from the applicant.

  5. They sure can find out - she'll have to tell them the name of the school, then the employer can simply call and find out.

    Does she really have to lie?

  6. They can call the college transcript department and get copies of said degree.

  7. You can't possible be this naive...

    Of course, there is a way!  If you apply for a position and claim to have a college degree, the employer is entitled to ask what school and year you graduated.  They can contact the school directly and if you didn't graduate, guess what?  They ain't going to have any records!  So, you were busted for lying even before you were hired

  8. Sure. They can demand that she bring in proof of the degree. They can also check the school where she claims she obtained it.

  9. Of course her employer can find out... and more importantly... she is more than likely going to be fired because of her misrepresenting herself.  Nowadays most (if not all employers) conduct background investigations on potential employees.  Investigating schools can sometimes take longer than other investigations (ie criminal or credit)... so, what some employers do is hire individuals with the understanding that if there are any discrepancies when the entire background investigation is completed, they will have to prove any of those discrepancies (in other words - she has to prove w/ legitimate documentation that she did, in fact, earn the degree she stated she had.  if not, she's going to be fired).


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