
Is there a way you can have multiple kids?

by Guest63816  |  earlier

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Im still young but I want to know for when im older and ready.




  1. Do you mean twins or just many kids? Their is no way to control having twins except that fertility drugs often led to multiples of all sorts. Other than that you can have as many kids as you can afford.

  2. yes...many people have twins or even triplets...but if you are asking if there is any thing you can do to insure you have multiple kids, then no...its a genetic thing.  

  3. At once do you mean?

    Naturally there is no certain way.

    One after the other......just have unprotected s*x and hope for the best.

  4. yea im pregnant with twins and cant wait ! yes there is a way to have multiple kids.

  5. no unless you have alot of money for special ivf like celebs.

    ps JOSELYN is not pregnant with twins by the way.

  6. well you can have as many kids as you'd like assuming all your lady parts are up and working. If you want your babies close in age you'll just have to start TTC a few months after you give birth.

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