
Is there a way you can stop boats parking outside your house?

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Is there a way you can stop boats parking outside your house?




  1. Put holes in it

  2. Daft question. You don't own the road.

  3. If you are referring to boats on trailers you may be able to get the Council to intervene on the grounds that it interferes with the enjoyment of your home by blocking the light and the view from your window.

  4. If you mean parking that's dry land> Docking is water> Enforcement on both counts if you own the frontage>

  5. If it's causing an obstruction to yourself, ask your local police dept, they will issue a ticket or even remove it under police powers for the offence, if it's just causing you anoyance then the council will help.

  6. If you live on a waterfront with public mooring, then No, you can't.

    If you own the mooring then put up signs and charge people.

  7. if you are high enough up drop a brick on it when they are not looking or elsewhere, should put a small hole in it with a bit of luck x x x

  8. By some old cars and park them there............. Report the buggers if they are a nuisance. Noise, pollution, obstructing driveways etc etc....

  9. Plant mines !!

  10. Buy the water rights and then fence it off. Then hire some armed guards and have them patrol it in zodiacs. That should take care of the boaters on public waterways.

  11. Hi if it is private mooring put a sign up saying that mooring here will be charged for the privilege

    And unpaying offenders wil be chained and flogged .

  12. Move out of the marina or port you live in.

  13. if its a marina port  just put fishing nets there once they go in , they will never come back to the same place

  14. get rid of the water.

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