
Is there a way you can tell that you have a protector spirit watching over you?

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Is there a way you can tell that you have a protector spirit watching over you?




  1. The true answer to this question is a simple one, we all have protector spirits / spirit guides / angels looking over each and ever soul on this earth. They always want the best for you but cannot interfere unless you ASK for their help. There is no definitive way to answer this question, you just have to have faith.

  2. there was a time when i was sure i had a good and kind spirit that was bringing me all the luck i needed for my work. i was one very lucky person who had success because i believed that i was being guided by the spirits and indeed they made their presence felt not just by myself but even to the rest of my family, even my children knew them. but we had to move to a new home and when we left the abode where these spirits and ghosts lived which helped me in many ways, there was pandemonium, we could feel stomping of their feet and shutting of doors and windows while we wer taking furnitures out of the house, and this was in broad daylight. I had to say a short prayer to appease these spirits thereafter i bade goodbye and thank them and asked to be kind to new tenants of the house we vacate. they didn't follow us to our new home but new spirits welcome us there. so i say that if a spirit makes it presence felt by you, welcome it, they don't harm, they help make wishes come true if you believe.

  3. Depends on the situation and the personality of your protector. I found out a lot about mind, or at least one of perhaps many. Her name is Erica, she is compassionate, she comforts me by holding my hand, cuddling up to me and rubbing my back, she hugs a lot, she speaks out loud and shows her self to me, she gives me dreams, and memories of us together in two past life times, she is always with me, now that I see the whole picture, and ascertain who it was that I was seeing since age four that was there to protecting me, guiding me, and looking over me. I even named one of my daughters Erica, they even look somewhat the same......she's my spirit guide, and there were others I have seen as well. It all came to a head one day during prayer as they came to help, guide, teach and protect me and my son.

  4. I was curious about that not too long ago, and I asked for a sign.  within 2 seconds, the lights in my room flickered.  

    coincidence, maybe.  

    weird, definitely!

    ask from your heart if anyone is there, you may be surprised.  I know I was.  

    after you do, e-mail me and let me know what happens...

  5. Some people claim they have spirits watching over them, but so far not one single person in the history of the human species has been able to demonstrate the existence of such entities.  In my opinion, the idea of spirits is a cultural artifact, but some people are convinced they are real.  Unfortunately (for them), there is no way to demonstrate their existence, so it comes down to faith.  In other words, if you have faith that you have a spirit watching over you, then you do as far as you're concerned.  Just don't expect this spirit to make itself known to you in any empirical fashion.

  6. Oh Oppsies I completely forgot what you asked! lol I know though normally a little bit after they die they do something to relax you or talk to you in some way. But sometimes it is less comfortable if you make it normally it is because you are so shocked. But sometimes you know he have one if you r about to seriously injure yourself or even die, some mysterious force prevents you from getting hut or dying but maybe it was just a miracle, you never know.

  7. We all do, but heres one way to know ...

    Firstly you need to shut that voice up in your mind that gives you a running commentary on everything. you do that by relaxing ... maybe try some pranic breathing.

    Then ask in your mind a question that would help you in your life ... say for example ... How can I help improve my life??

    Then just allow thoughts to flow ... you should hear a voice that possibly sounds like your own voice in your head. But you know you didnt put any of the words you hear there, the dont sound like the sort of things you would come up with. They will be wise and non judging compassionate words of wisdom.

    I hope this helps :o)

  8. Yes, Just ask... most ppl who think they have a "protector spirit" will sometimes ask... Just be careful, you may be a little surprised when it answers...

  9. Be baptized in the holy spirit, and you never doubt.

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