
Is there a website listing historical sporting odds from sports betting sites?

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green: I wish to analyse results of certain outcomes compared to the odds given at the time.




  1. The most historical you are going to get is Horse Racing results in the racing post. I have never come across such a website, if you do find one please post the link, i could use it too.

  2. I speak about horseracing only.  I believe on you can see post race what price the horse has been earlier in the day with the various bookmakers who use the site, as I remember having done that. You just have to locate the right link on the race you are looking at.

  3. Try wager tracker. There are services that offer historic lines but they are not free. Wage tracker is the only one that I think might offer them for free.

    An alternative would be to find that site that archives the internet. The name eludes me but when my GF gets home she will know and I'll edit. They have a backup of what many sites looked like on a given day. So you can go and see what CNN looked like on May19 1992 etc.

    Would take a lot of time but you could go though CBCSportsline or some other sports site and looked at the game write. Most sports sites have the line in the box score until the game starts.

  4. why? are you planning to use your time machine to go back in time and rake in the winnings???

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