
Is there a website online where I can find an apartment or flat in Hamburg or Frankfurt Germany?

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I'm looking for an apartment in Hamburg or Frankfurt or in the vacinity for around 500 euros a month. Let me know some places or a website so I can view some apartments. Thanks!!!




  1. If you want to stay for just a few month, try ... there you can rent it easy including furniture etc. and just for the time you need it

  2. Key words to know:

    immobilien is real estate

    mieten is to rent

    kalt miete, means the price you pay before heating and electricity

    warm, means the price you pay after heating and electricity

    zimmer means room

    provision, means essentially a security deposit, but sometimes you don't get it back

    ohne, means without (like without provision or without a garage)

    Here are some good web sites:

  3. also try:

    (I've found a room which was a lot cheaper than the usual flats in Stuttgart)

    When arriving there the best is always to read the local newspapers.

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