
Is there a website or anything where i can keep track whats been visited?

by  |  earlier

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Because my boyfriend always clears the historys, and i have no idea whats going on. SOMEONE please help! & Thanks!




  1. You can open a dos window,  c:\ prompt.

    cd\   gets you to the root directory.

    dir *.jpg /s /p     will list all jpegs that have been shown.

    with that list you can enter the path in your browser where you would normallly enter  ie  

    c:\programs and files\compname\whatever\that.jpg

    that will show you the picture.

    The kind of pictures that you will see should let you know where he has been on the internet.  Most of them are ad pics but others are a good tip off.

    Good luck.

  2. upper left hand corner of your screen the yellow star keeps tracks of what site you visited.

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