
Is there a website similar to

by  |  earlier

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I would like to be able to post poems, stories, digital photos, pics I like, stuff I 've drawn, etc.

My area was banned, and I really wanted to join deviantart, for the longest time. I would also appreciate it if one of you could send me an email and I would send you back the necessary information.




  1. Flickr comes close--you can post random pictures, your own pics, illustrations etc.....but not really poems.

    Good luck!

  2. there's mangabullet, which is an on-going progress site (it's fairly new) but it's quite close to deviantART. also, you can create a blog where you can post those things, (I use livejournal!) and join communities that share the same interests as you so you can make friends and such. they can also comment on your journal posts and etc... it's quite nice.

    sorry your area was banned, though :c

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