
Is there a website that I can spy on my boy friends text messages? W/O him knowing. He has a Treo 755p by Palm

by Guest62005  |  earlier

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I know there are websites out there for the same thing, just different phones.

Thank you!




  1. No chance unless your FBI.

  2. You shouldnt be with him if you have to spy on him. Relationships are all about trust and it sounds like you dont have any.

  3. If you are going to spy on him... do the adult thing and just break up with him...  however to answer your question the answer is... No.

  4. If there is such a site and you find it I hope you give him the web address so he can also spy on you for the same reason that you want to spy on him.

  5. No you can't and no there arn't.

    Try asking him who he is texting to find out.

  6. Im sorry 2 say, but honey why are you with him? If you have even the most minimal reason to doubt him, why not just talk to him!?

  7. thats nasty!! shouldnt do that too him, and you call yourself a girlfriend?? grow up hey

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