
Is there a website that can help u learn about past lives?

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  1. The Divison of Perceptual Studies personalitystudies/ at the Universiy of Virginia was for many years led by Dr. Ian Stevenson who studied cases of reincarnation/past lives. His popular book is "Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation"

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  2. Read some books by Jess Stern. He did some amazing research back in the 60's & 70's Yoga, Youth And Reincarnation was one

  3. Evidence of Past Lives in Everyday Life

    Dr. Brian Weiss. Using past-life therapy,  was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.---Many Lives, Many Masters---

    A spellbinding case history substantiating the effectiveness of past-life therapy. it will open doors for many who have never considered the validity of reincarnation.he vividly describes the insights of a young patient named Catherine. She came to important realizations about the circumstances of her life today and the intricate thread of previous beings within her experience.


  5. Beyond what you can connect on your own in your dreams, meditation or impressions one could ask the E man who tends to be quite trippy (check out or you can do the european site

    Or just be open and allow your own clues to arrive and be noticed.....



  6. Don't worry about it. Just live for the future

  7. Since you asked this in the Science & Math category, I'll respond with a scientific viewpoint.

    Yes, there are plenty of such websites which talk about how one is supposedly able to determine their own past lives and you can find them easily with a Google search. However, there is no credible scientific evidence for the claim that people have lived "past lives". There are only anecdotes, wishful thinking, apocryphal stories, misinterpreted dreams and the power of suggestion. The best "evidence" collected so far was done by Prof Ian Stevenson, but even Stevenson admitted that "the evidence is not flawless and it certainly does not compel such a belief. Even the best of it is open to alternative interpretations..."

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