
Is there a website that can tell me if there's a total fire ban tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to find a website where I can find out if there will be a total fire ban for our region tomorrow. Can anyone help?

I clearly had no idea how to categories this.




  1. In Australia (not sure where you are) each states fire service posts this info on their web site. Suggest you check whatever local fire service site

  2. Check the local news stations most have a website like Fox news, usually has alerts for this sort of thing too...just type in your zip code

    other then that call the local fire station or police department to find out.

  3. the easiest way would be to call the non-eergency telephone line at your police or fire station. they would definitely know. just be sure you use the non-emergency line so as not to tie up the regular line. your local weather forecast may even be able to tell you .

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