
Is there a website that can tell you which radio stations are running competitions currently?

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Is there a website that can tell you which radio stations are running competitions currently?




  1. do you not have a local radio guide for the place you live?

    regards x kitti x

  2. Register your email with the radio stations you listen to.  The newsletters often have updates on contests and giveaways.

    Don't bother with stations that play crappy music.  I've found it's not worth it to force myself to listen to (rap) just to win a prize.

  3. Most of the bigger stations in all formats run contests and promotions during the most important ratings seasons (Spring and Fall). We are currently mid second-phase of the Spring '08 Arbitron ratings in the US. So check around. To find stations there are several sites:

    is one of the better ones, but they won't specify who's running a contest. Each station's site will have to be checked to see what they're running and how to enter.

    Be careful not to waste your time, most stations require winners to live within their signal range.

    -a guy named duh

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