
Is there a website that i can find out what my dreams mean?

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i always have weird dreams and everytime i have a strange dream it happens. when my mom remarried i had a dream that the guy picked up my little sister and he turned into a monster and shook her untill she cryed. they got a divorce and it affected my sister so bad now she has like.. problems.

the night before my bird died i had a dream that she died and i was camping so i couldnt even know that she died and when i came back my mom said that she was dead and i cryed for like a day and a half because i missed and loved her. i had a dream that my great oma died and a week later she died. i have weird vivid dreams and i really need to know what happens. i always dream of halloween. and of people laughing at me and pointing and i cant move. i always had weird dreams of my mom offering me a hug and then as soon as she hugs me i get that weird "sleeping" tingle all over my body and float and she laughs at me and i cant move. she left us and dint come back for a year. website tell me wat meen




  1. go to

    then click dream dictionary

    try it out it help me to find out what mine out

    or go to and type in

    dream dictionary

  2. 1. No one is sure what dreams mean/if they mean anything. There are many theories as to the specific purpose of dreams.

    2. If the theory of it symbolizing problems in your every day life is correct, try Dreammoods.

  3. There are websites and books, the problem is, they never agree with each other.  So I don't bother.

  4. It sounds as if you already understand these dreams.  You explained most of them.

    Now the Halloween dream I CAN explain to you.  These are evil spirits laughing at you.   I do not know whether this "gift" is coming to you from evil spirits, but if you are thinking about contacting psychics or getting involved in anything occult, then you are falling into the trap they have set for you.

    It does sound as if you are under spiritual attack.  Pray to God and ask Him to drive away and spirit that is not from Him.  Also, tell Him you do not want any "gift" or ability that is not from Him.  God's gifts do not cause you harm.  Gifts from the evil ones ALWAYS come attached with a terrible price... your very soul.

    At this point, you would be better off with a true Christian prophetic mentor who will not lead you into darkness.  Not every spirit nor every person out there has your safety and best interest at heart.

    As for dreams, there is not any "one size fits all" interpretation for any particular symbol.  You can find some help with that on my website as well, but the meaning of the symbols depends on the person and what culture they are from, etc.  

    Feel free to visit my website for information and inspiration.    Add me to your contacts and get in touch with me whenever you like, ok?  

    God bless you!


  5. if you go to hippy shop trhey have books and stuff. you could always get tarot cards aswell if your into reading the dreams and future.

    search it up on google

  6. or you can just got to barnes and noble and get one thats what i did.


  8. google it "dream meanings" but wow that is weird

    u know my mom had this dream about two birds crashing into a tree

    she would dream w/ it occasionally too

    ever since 9-11 she's never had the dream again

    so we both guessed that's what it meant, dreams can tell u a lot sometime including Ur future so I've heard... so good luck w/ it =]

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