
Is there a website that i can send?

by  |  earlier

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pictures from online to my phone.

because i took pictures on my digital camera and i wanna put one on my phone as my wallpaper so i was wondering if there was a way to send the picture to my phone. like a website to text it to me or if there is a way to put it on my phone. i would really appriciate any help. thanks so muchh




  1. Im not sure if there is a website, but if you have a phone that take a  memory card you can do it that way. Just put the memory card into an adapter, they usually come with an adapter when you buy them, then put in into the computer. Copy the picture to the memory card then put the memory card in your phone and copy it to your phone. I do this with my cell. If you leave the memory card in your phone it holds a lot more than your phones memory will. I have songs and videos too.

  2. You can take a picture of the computer screen, make sure you do it in good lighting. You could print the photo and take a picture of the printed photo. Yahoo! Widgets has a widget in the Mobile category called "Iamota" that I think transfers photos, but you have to pay a fee. Look on photo-sharing sites like Photobucket to see if they have any ways to do this.  

  3. use your phone to take a pic of the screen. Other than dat idk

  4. all you have to do is send a text to ur email then watever the address is you send the pic as a file to that address


    Go to Make your own on the right

    Upload the pic and send it to your phone,

    they also have free ringtones/games/and other things there...that are actually free

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