
Is there a website to check if deceased relatives had life insurance?

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deceased relatives: unclaimed life insurance and other money sources - websites




  1. Not exactly.  

    There's no central database.  Each state has an "unclaimed funds" site, though, for bank accounts and safety deposit boxes, that sort of thing.

    But an insurance company doesn't know an insured has died, until after someone files the claim.  You can go through their papers and records, and see if you see a policy, or a cancelled check to an insurance comany (they would have been paid every year), OR, the executor of the estate (and ONLY the executor) can pay $75 to these guys  and they will tell you if any APPLICATIONS have been submitted in the past ten years.  it's only applications, and it's only 10 years, but hey, it gives you a starting point.

    Most people die without active life insurance in place.  So maybe the best place to start looking, is where ever or who ever gave you the idea that there was any life insurance in place in the first place.

  2. Yes, but its not free.

    Also, here is an article about tracking down life insurance policies.

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