
Is there a website where I can find old yearbooks from years such as 1949 and 1952?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for them for my Grandma. She had lost these yearbooks a while back and is hoping to maybe find copies of them.




  1. Contact her high school.  They usually archive these and may be able to reprint some volumes.

  2. I see old highschool yearbooks for sale on eBay quite often (you can set up a search agent to automatically watch for her city and/or school name and email you when it finds something has posted that day), or you might try antique shops in her hometown. does have several yearbook photos/pages available from that era too, my Aunt was flabbergasted that I found her senior picture from 1951!  :o)

    Best of luck, I hope that helps!


    Hope that helps.

  4. It would be easier if you call the school she went to and ask them who made their yearbooks during that time period. Most schools in the same area used the same company to do their year books, sometimes the person who did the school pictures also did the yearbooks. You can ask someone about the same age as your grandma to look at their yearbook and see if the company who made it is listed in the front there should be a stamp, look in the back too.

    Good Luck.

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