
Is there a website where I can type in a house number and street address and see what the house looks like?

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Is there a website where I can type in a house number and street address and see what the house looks like?

I know the country, City, Province, house number, street, Peoples last anme, Their kids names, kids ages,

but i wanna see the house from the outside.

Is there a website like that?




  1. Sometimes google maps will give you a street view.  If i google map my house, and get the street view, i can see the cars in my driveway, the neighbor walking his dog, and the kids down the street playing with some sort of ball.

    But, google maps isnt perfect.  The house numbers are sometimes off.  My house number is #19, but google maps says it's #12.  So, you'll at least be able to view the street, and the neighborhood, but you cannot guarantee which house is which.

  2. Try  and if that doesn't work, see if you can find the county records website of the county the house is in.  Sometime the best way to do that is simply call the county court house where the house resides.  By the way, this is usually where home foreclosures are auctioned.

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