
Is there a website where i can find the species of my cockatiel

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i have a yellow faced grey cockatiel and my brother a black and white one




  1. yours is the most familiar but umm the second or your brothers i have been told that they some times call it the zipper tiel' but idk...

  2. All cockatiels are the same species: Nymphicus hollandicus. There are different varieties, referred to as "mutations." Yours is called a "normal gray" and is the type that exists in the wild. Black and white cockatiels are probably "pied."  

  3. The species listed by the other posters is correct.  Your bird is likely a normal grey cockatiel...  your brother's is a little different.  If he has no orange cheek patches at all, it is a whiteface.  Is he white just on the face or elsewhere on his body?

  4. I have a whiteface cinnamon pied pearl these are some of the mutations

    good luck

  5. All cockateils are from the same family Nymphicus hollandicus. The "Normal Grey," or "Wild-type" cockatiel's plumage is primarily grey with prominent white flashes on the outer edges of each wing & yellow face with blushing red cheeks. There are many "mutations" of plumage that are un-natural, the only natural plumage is the "normal grey".

    The only member of the genus Nymphicus, the Cockatiel has previously been considered a crested parrot or small cockatoo. However, more recent molecular studies have settled the debate, showing their closest relatives to be the black cockatoos of the genus Calyptorhynchus. They are hence now classified as the smallest of the Cacatuidae (cockatoo family).

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