
Is there a website where i can look at different MOS' and see where i might be stationed based on that job?

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or can someone of any job be stationed at any base in the country?




  1. no certain bases only have certain jobs. depending on what you want into will narrow it down. there are some jobs that can go to pretty much any base, kinda like medical ones and things like that... good luck

  2. i believe after your initial MOS training you can request duty stations but for the most part i believe you are put to what is closest to the boot camp you graduated from but that is not always true.  i'd suggest going to the website dedicated to the particular branch you are in or are looking at.

    good luck!!  love to hear about people serving in our military.  OORAAH!!

  3. No certain MOS stations everybody at certain locations.  Every regiment, division, battalion, companies, and platoons will house a huge variety of different job descriptions.  Each unit has to have their admin, logistics, aviation, artillery, mess (cooks), supply, armory, legal, medical, signals intelligence, military intelligence, communications, motor transport, ground mechanics, aviation mechanics, ammo techs, water purification, ordnance, military police, infantry, etc.... make it a functional, operational force.

    THE ANSWER:  Youcan be stationed at any base, as long as there is a billet opening for you.

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