
Is there a weight limit to join the army?

by Guest65289  |  earlier

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ok. see i am a female and i am slighty overweight. I weight in at 200. but i want to join the military. so is there a weight limit or does it matter that i am big. and also, i know that it might become a problem during basic training. right?




  1. There is a weight limit.  Your recruiter can give you specifics

  2. I wouldn't worry.

  3. A while back the Army lowered its standards allowing heifers in. Talk to a recruiter and they'll give you a better idea.

  4. There us no weight limit to join the armed forces. However, if you are not able to become physically fit enough to make it through boot camp, then you will not be able to join.  Your weight is not a problem unless you are physically too overweight to perform at a high enough level.

  5. Yes, there are minimum and maximum standards.  Its not a set number.  What matters is your weight relative to your height.  For example, if you are 6 ft tall, being 200 pounds is less of an issue than if you are 5 foot tall. If you are obese you will likely have more trouble with the physical demands of basic training.  You should speak to your doctor before approaching a recruiter.

  6. Yep. You may have to lose it before they let you in. Your weight depends on your height as to how overweight it is. If you really want to join the military, you can lose it. My brother was--probably-- a lot bigger than you when he wanted to be a police officer but they wouldn't let him until he lost the weight. They wouldn't check it again for a year. He went on the liquid diet and only ate once a week for that time so he'd make it--and he did. That's pretty extreme but if you watch what you eat and exercise, you can lose it pretty easily and you'll be in better shape for basic.

  7. if you are out of shape, they wont even consider you.

    think about it, if you are overweight and havent exersized in a long time then you will be MISERABLE and you wont last thru the first training

  8. Yes there is, depending on what job you want to do there will be a weight limit. And they will tell you what it is when you choose what you want to do. Obviously you may have to lose some weight and get fit, as fitness is very important in the army. So try to speak to someone about it and see what they can tell you, try a army careers office they will guide you through everything you know and if your struggling you can go on a preperation course to help get your fitness up before you join. Good luck!!

  9. OK, I am IN the military.  And YES, there is a weight minimum and maximum based off of body fat.  Body fat is measured by being taped.  The regulation that covers this is AR 600-9 "Army Weight Control Program"  and is a public document available at, under Offical Publications.

    You can look up the charts and proceedures yourself if you are curious.  You must be less than a maximum weight and more than a minimum weight to join.

    Your weight will fluctuate as you go through Basic and AIT.  You may loose body fat, but gain muscle mass.  And your fitness will improve.

    If you cannot perform or cannot meet the qualifications, you will not be allowed to complete basic.  You can be Entry Level Seperated at that time and it will be as if you never joined up.  It is more honorable to join and try and not meet standards than it is to sit back and complain and do nothing.

    I appreciate your interest and I applaud your willingness to serve in any branch of the military.

  10. Yes there is a weight requirement but I believe it's different than the standard weight tables you can find at and the like but there is a body fat standard after your in that is much easier to meet.  Basic Training WILL make you lose weight, and meet the Army Standards.

  11. well it depends on how tall you are because if you are a little over weight they will lower you're food rations...say if you where under weight they would up you're food in poeint if you're 5'1 200lbs they will most likly ask you to lose some weight and then they will work the rest off.

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