
Is there a word in spanish that sounds like "novella"? What does it mean?

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Is there a word in spanish that sounds like "novella"? What does it mean?




  1. You mean "novela?"

    In literature, it means a novel.

    In TV, it is a soap (opera). Although they are officially designated as "telenovelas" or "TVnovelas" for short.

  2. Novela means soap opera, it also refers to novels (books)  

  3. It is actually spelled "novela" and means novel, or soap opera.

    Spanish language soap operas generally run every night, five nights a week, for an hour, and tell a serial story, much like daytime dramas in the US, but unlike American Soaps, they have a limited run.  They tell a story, have the same sort of dramatic music, and run something like fifteen months, from the introduction to the conclusion.   The length of time varies according to how long it takes them to resolve the conflict.

    Ugly Betty was originally a Colombian novela. (I think it's Colombian).

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