
Is there a word term for a person taking money from 2 insurance companies for same accident, is this fraud?

by  |  earlier

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i work in insurance collections, i have a file that the person collected money twice, can i say is this insurance fraud?




  1. the better question would be who payed them twice,did someone make a mistake or they did they do this on accident,theres two ways of looking at this,if a check was issued twice then that might be falut on the insurance company also,but either way the person should have brought this to their attention,the question your asking really is who is to blame for this i think, the person for cashing the check or the one who issued the check twice,thats a hard one to really answer,it would still be up to you on what dicission you make on this one,since you may be the only one who has noticed it,good luck with what ever you decide to do on it.

  2. The phrases that adjusters use is "double dipping." And in many cases it is fraud,but you have to have good proof before the county attorney will even consider charging the person.(most county attorney's don't bother with insurance fraud cases)

    Saying it is fraud is easy, proving it is another story. You might want to review the case with your companies legal counsel. Tread carefully, before accusing anybody.

    Good Luck

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