
Is there a wrong way to smoke a cigerette?

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Is there?




  1. lol yeah! if a really stupid person put the thing you light in there mouth, and light the thing to suck it in, lol yeah...

  2. In addition to the ways others have mentioned, I've seen two wrong ways. I had a friend who held his cigarettes too far out along his fingers. It looked g*y. Some people hold them too far in -- that looks like you're posing. And I had a friend who drank too much. He'd hang his cigarette from the side of his lips before he lit it thinking he looked cool, but because he was a bit pied he was putting it in the wrong place and at the wrong angle and it just looked drunk and dumb. The trick is to do what most people do.

  3. Well you could put the lit end in your mouth and try inhaling, I would definitely say that would be a wrong way.

  4. you could hold it wrong.... i hate when people smoke cigarettes like they're weed.. ugh!

    orr you could not inhale.. long term smokers can tell if you're an amateur..

  5. i agree with the answer above me . not inhaling is a wrong way of smoking a cigarette,and if u dont inhale then y do u need to smoke in the first place? u know what i mean?

  6. Definitely. People above keep talking about that if you lit the wrong side or put the wrong side in your mouth, but I think what you were asking is WHEN you inhale it. And yes, there is a right way and a wrong way. Some people just hold the smoke in their mouths, they act like they sucked it into their lungs when they really didn't. The right way is just breathe in and get it into your lungs. I mean of course i don't recommend you smoking, but you asked a question and I am simply answering you.

  7. There are lots of wrong ways. The cigarette is designed to go into the mouth, not any of your other orifices.

    Actually, when you consider the health effects, you may wonder whether there is any right way to smoke a cigarette.

  8. you could light the filter, i've seen that happen before, HAHAHA people get so drunk....

  9. Yes. By smoking one in the first place. Bad for your health which causes restrictive blood flow and other major health problems.

    I am not a smoker, but have inquired about the dangers of it. Doctors told me that women have a higher risk of developing aneurysms from smoking, than men.

    This is something to really think about, because it is a major life threatening disorder. You can also find the information by typing aneurysm into search and get the info.

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