
Is there a yahoo lottery in collaboration with micrsoft and its UK IRELAND OFFICE IN LONDON ,AGENTS IN MANCHES

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received e-mail announcing june-luly 2007 prize winning and giving Batch NO: Ref NO: Wining NO: the address of the Yahoo Awards Incorporated Office in U.K. Tel & Fax NO: and contacting agents e-mail and Tel NO: Is This All true or Fake. A Comprehensive answer will be very much appreciatd. More over the domain confirmation of the origin of the message is also reflected in the e-mail. They are asking to provide the following information:

Name, Country, Contact address, Tel No:,Marital status, Date of birth, and Occupation. Awaiting early responses for the correct position of this e-mail .Thanks




  1. I make a wonder they carry on sending these out, theres one born every day.

  2. It's a phishing scam, period .You didn’t enter a lottery, and YAHOO isn’t running a lottery. All you are going to win is an empty bank account and more trouble than you ever dreamed of. If you want to bother, forward the fraudulent email to,, and



  3. Yahoo do not run lotteries nor does microsoft,Do not reply  just delete,It is a complete scam.

  4. No NO no and again NO, Are you a regular on here?Have you not seen the dozens of similar questions posted by other recipients of millions of dollars. These messages are SCAMS> all are fake. do not reply. destroy the messages and don't be mugged.

  5. It is just a scam spam email I receive this sort of email daily do not fill in the details because they will try to con you out of your earnings. The yahoo lottery does not exists.

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