
Is there actual historical evidence that Martin Luther was a a drunken anti-Semite?

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Is there actual historical evidence that Martin Luther was a a drunken anti-Semite?




  1. There is no doubt about Luther's anti-Semitic views. There has been a great deal of debate on his writings about the Jews, and many of his statements were revived and used in n**i propaganda in the 1930s and 40s. I don't know how widespread among Christians his views might have been at the time he expounded them.

    I'd be surprised, given his censorious assessment of the drunkeness and licentiousness at the university he attended, if he drank to excess.

  2. Is there actual evidence that you are a drunken anti-Semite? It's the same sort of question and the answer in Luther's case, is NO. But just asking a question like that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

  3. That he was a drunk?  NO, not that I know of.  As far as being a "Jew hater", you need only reference his theological works.

  4. There is no such evidence that I am aware of.

    Luther was a monk in the Catholic Church before he broke away and formed the Protestant movement.  

    Any attitudes he may had had about Jews was probably the same as the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages, which might suggest some anti-Semitism, but to what extent he was influenced is difficult to say.

    There is nothing in Luther's writings, that I am aware of, to determine this.

    Nor have I read any historical documentation to suggest that he was a heavy drinker, outside of his partaking of wine in Communion.

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