
Is there actually a big difference between golf club "clones" and name brand golf clubs?

by Guest10726  |  earlier

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Is there actually a big difference between golf club "clones" and name brand golf clubs?




  1. Very little. Name brands are usually (not always) leading in technological advances, but the clones are right there with them. Check out for some really good performing clones.

  2. When a named brand puts the club into a golf store or golf shop its reputation goes along with the placement. That club has to meet the specs, the balance, the playability and the performance or , by word of mouth, it will fail to get the public support. The clone, on the other hand, does not get the manufacturing scrutiny and is not consistently up to the standards of the named product. They only want to look like the real thing and are not too fussy as to their quality.

  3. real golf clubs r titanium clones r aluminum the titanium r more accurate on ur direction


  5. clones cost less

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