
Is there actually a law about Freedom Of Speech in the UK?

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I know it's in the American Constitution, but I've been told there's nothing of the sort in British law - is this true?




  1. Although there is supposed to be freedom of speech in the UK just try speaking out against any organisation or group that is favoured by the labour party. You can say what you like against most political parties or Christian religions but you dare not say anything about some Middle Eastern based religions and if you appear to be anti-g*y in your speech you may even be prosecuted.

  2. Under Art 10 of the Human rights, but there are limitations, such as defamation, inciting racial hatred etc

  3. You first need to educate yourself on the subject .

    The UK does NOT have a seperate Constitution or Bill of Rights that the US has .

    All the rights and freedoms that the British have are founded in and derived from legal case history and legal judgements.

    The rights and freedoms of the  British are as safe as that of Americans only the source of these freedoms and rights is different.

  4. Magna Carta!

  5. There was no specific right to freedom of speech until the European Human Rights Act proposed a right of expression as one of its articles.

    Many people make the mistake of assuming a right to free speech, but this has never existed in the British Isles.  We have always had laws forbidding speech that is blasphemous    or treasonable.  We also have laws that ban the promotion of hatred and violence towards minorities.  There are further laws to protect us from untrue allegations or statements that might otherwise harm our reputations.

    In reality, those that complain the loudest about so called political correctness, merely want the right to bully and harass minorities with impunity and whine like little children because they can't have it.

    Now I am sure they will do their best to shut me up!  Ever heard of irony...?

  6. There are many things we are not allowed to say these days.  This country has been ruined by many things, one of them is political correctness.

  7. well its not strict like

    theres not a lot you cant say these days in the Uk  

  8. A devout Muslim who forced boys to beat themselves with blades has been found guilty of child cruelty.

    The boys were pressured into hitting themselves with an implement with five blades, called a "zanier zani", at a religious ceremony.


    There are all kinds of Freedom being talked about. Allowing the Devout Mulim to do the above actions called a FREEDOM?  Would you want to gag those who speak up against such Barbaric practices in the interests of Freedom of Speech ? Britain has a good record of allowing Free Speech Not abuse of Free speech.

  9. I'm not allowed to say.

  10. No in the UK you are free to do as your told

  11. There is the European Law that entitles you to Freedom of Speech, and as demonstrated by the Guardian, this overrules older English laws against freedom of speech.

    For example, it is actually against English law to print anything advocating an English Republic(Punishable by Life Imprisonment). However the Guardian did such a thing in 94 (I think) and couldn't be punished because the EU Law overruled it.

    Then of course there is Speakers Corner...  The one in Hyde Park being the most famous.

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