
Is there an abbreviation for Wikipedia that's used on the Internet, etc.?

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It's a frequently used word (for me at least). "Wiki" doesn't seem right because there are multiple Wiki-somethings.

btw, isn't it funny that this spell checker won't recognize Wikipedia or Google?

Anyway, I propose "w/p". Or "W_P". Either no caps or keep caps key down.

This from someone only slightly more computer literate than Monty Burns.




  1. I only know it as 'wiki' - sorry I couldn't have been of more help!

  2. Wiki or WP

  3. WP, or Wiki

  4. Wiki is it, but as you note, it is not good to use it as a wiki is just the generic software. WP is used as an abbreviation on Wikipedia for shortcuts as in WP:NOT (Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not), but is not in general use.

  5. If you really need an abbreviation, "WP" is probably the best. It's the one, as has been mentioned, which is already used on Wikipedia for shortcuts to Wikipedia-namespace pages like Wikipedia:Neutral point of view (WP:NPOV) or Wikipedia:Featured articles (WP:FA).

    "Wiki" and "wiki" are technically incorrect as "wiki" is a common noun describing a class of editable, collaborative websites and isn't specific to Wikipedia or even the sites run by the Wikimedia Foundation (which runs Wikipedia and its sister projects). It's people's ignorance of this that has lead to the abbreviation "Wiki". You're completely right in this regard, though granted it's the most common one out there, and it does roll off the tongue well–especially in verb form: "What's that? I'll wiki it." If your goal is primarily to be understood, this might not be a bad option, though there will always be a few people out there (myself included) who will twitch slightly when you say "Wiki".

    The safest bet in any case is to spell out "Wikipedia" the first time you reference it followed by your abbreviation in parentheses, e.g. "Wikipedia (WP) is a great website. WP is particularly awesome because if there's an error, I can just login and correct it."

    P.S. Indeed, it is odd that Yahoo! Answers has a section for Wikipedia and yet marks it as a spelling error.

  6. Most Wikipedians use WP as the abbreviation. There's even a WP: shortcut namespace to get to project pages faster.

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