
Is there an after life when i die?

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I was sky diving the other day for my first time. I was scared out of my parachute! It really got me thinking about death. so my question is this- is there and after life? Whats it like? will there be bacon?




  1. I am of the mind that if you concentrate hard enough on the question and free your mind of any preconceived ideas how you feel about the answer will come to you. I believe there is but I do not know why I do, it is just a feeling. I have no set believes so I am not brainwashed into this way of thinking. Some deep and magical things have happened to me that led me to conclude that there is indeed life after death. As for bacon, maybe the little piggy concerned might have something to say about that if he has only just died and found him/herself in the after life!

  2. if you believe there`s one then there is... and if you like bacon, then there will be bacon.

  3. Heaven or h**l... pick one!


  4. None of us can answer that, other wise we would have died, and would be currently in our after life..........................

    But i hope there is, and i hope there is bacon to..

  5. you go to heaven or h**l

  6. i'm sure the least of your worries in the afterlife is I do believe there is an afterlife.. depending upon how you lived in this life is predictive of where your going or what will become of you. Look up on for afterlife real life experiences, reincarnation, and ghost hauntings.. they are all connected..

  7. Death is a hard thing to prove.  What is it that has died?  All of the components of the body were working a moment ago.  Now they are not.  Something has happened.  The chemical reactions are not taking place.  The brain isn't thinking anymore.  But all the molecules are still there. The atoms haven't disappeared.  The machine is still there.  So what died?  What was alive to die in the first place?

    If you can answer that question, you will have solved the mystery of the afterlife.  

    Have you ever died in a dream?  And what happened after that?

  8. I doubt their will be bacon. Because we will be immortal.

    I would hate to think this is it. There has to be an after life. Otherwise what's the point of life? I think it's god's test.

    Plus look around. It's hard for me to believe that earth wasn't created by anything other than god. It's too complicated.

    Plus there's a mysterious death weight. The very second you die your body weighs less. There have been tests. I think the mysterious death weight is you spirit.

  9. It a tough question, people with faith believe so, people with not faith do not. Which are you. If you do not know , die and find out, and then come back and let us know.

  10. as as per my religion that is ISLAM there is life after death..

  11. heres how it does down.


    -time between death & judgement Day

    -judgement Day

    -Heaven or h**l for eternity

    heaven: yes theres bacon

    h**l: you'll be bacon

  12. Yes. Heaven or h**l. You can choose which one you would like to go to and which path you want to take.

    P.S. Sky diving sounds like so much fun! That must have felt exhilarating! :)

  13. there is an after life it can be heaven and maybe h**l in both cases there is bacon but in h**l YOU are the bacon

  14. that is the million dollar question //// i think so //

  15. It totally depends about u if u feel there is life after death then it is and if u feel it is not then it is not. see no one has given answer to this question with any proof so i feel it depends upon ur thinking

    Hope this has helped u.

  16. Theres a joke that sums up how I feel but its probably not PC for here so...

    I think there will be whatever you truly believe there will be.  Whatever you really, deep down think should happen, will happen.  Because all of us are a spark of a higher force, and return to the higher force, and from there can create anything, so we do.

    Gobbledegook probably but the way my mind works lol...

  17. ha,i think so,i dunno though,I've never died

  18. I've hung under a T-10 canopy and watched tracer rounds coming up at me (and the rest of my team) from the jungle below during a HALO from 30,000 feet.  And there was that time I opened a parasail at 500 feet and had 2 panels blow out of it (and boy, do they get squirrelly when that happens) and had to cut-away. I've also had a couple of 'Mae Wests' (ask your jumpmaster if you don't know what that is) and towed a couple of loads of dirty laundry.  So you probably weren't as scared as you could have been☺

    As for an after life.....  I'm not sure I even care.  I'll find out one of these days without worrying about it now ☺


  19. oh heaven and h**l-i think that is a bit can one place be perfect, and who is to say what is someones heaven could be anothers h**l!

    I believe something happens is much to complex for us to just live and then die...

    There are so many accounts of people thinking they have been alive before, so many people have seen or felt the presence of something else (ghost) so i think something happens yes.....but what, well thats a mystery we all have to wait and see

  20. Nope. This is the lie that religion uses to get you.

  21. how would we know we are still living

  22. Yes there is Heaven and there is h**l!!!!!!!!!

  23. i believe that you are brought back to earth in another form, so yes there will be bacon! :-]

  24. well, that depends what you believe in. like ur religion :)

  25. yes, there is.  

    Why are you alive?  Why can't we make the recently dead "alive" again?  Because something has gone on. That something, the soul, is what makes us alive, gives us our identity.

  26. Imagine you have the day off--maybe Saturday.

    You waken naturally, without music or alarm or conversation.

    You are in alpha wave state, middle of dream.

    You gradually become outer-directed, beta wave state.

    You recollect your identity.

    The early morning is more lively, vivid.

    Toward midday, you are in full strength.

    By evening, you've "had a good day."

    You retire to sleep.

    You lose outer waking consciousness.

    Your waking subconscious, which is more closely tied to the inner child (childlike, if you've championed yourself correctly, with love, justice, joy; childish, if you've spoiled and neglected to heal greed, anger, envy, etc.), becomes your dreaming conscious.

    This same process occurs over a lifetime.

    When one passes on, the love, joy, and outer demonstration of Soul are what continue "after."  There is an intermediate or evaluative stage, for repentance, in which childish greed may become soul-gain, insofar as one genuinely repents.

    Here are some resources of value.  Please note that sowing and reaping, cause and effect, are part of the equation.  If you read good authors, you benefit.  If you practice daily prayer, good kind behavior, meditation, your soul is more aware, more lucid.

    "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet.

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves.

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

    "Men in White Apparel" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi.

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

    "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.,

    "Beyond the Ashes:  Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust," Rabbi Yonassan Gershom,

    "In Heaven as on Earth," M. Scott Peck, M.D.,

    "Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda,

    "Reborn in the West:  The Reincarnation Masters," Vicki MacKenzie,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

  27. No.

  28. well it depends on what you believe in. But until the goverment starts killing people then reviving them for fun we wont know.

  29. yes

    energy can never be destroyed only morphed into other things

  30. 1 and done

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