
Is there an age for breastfeeding?

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I have adopted an orphan girl and I often hold her and I know that she would so like to breastfeed. She lives in a culture that this is primordial and very important. I know that this is truly pure and in no way perverted. We have a very strong bond and knowing that this would not damage her in any way, I would consider it. It is outside of the North American context.




  1. Are you saying that you want to try and breast feed her?? Sorry but that cant work if you adopted her. You have to give birth to a child to be able to breast feed, sorry. Just by giving her all the love you can, Im sure she will be forever grateful.

  2. Huh??  Why do you refer to breastfeeding as primordial?  Breastfeeding is important in ALL cultures.  I think that you are the victim of some Anglo brain washing about breastfeeding being "unnatural".

    By all means, if you want to breastfeed your baby, talk to a doctor.  It is possible to induce lactation.  If you do not produce enough milk, you  can use a supplemental system that is very easy to operate.

    Edited to add:

    I reread your question and see that you may be talking about a non-infant.  My answer is the same, tho'.  If your child wants to nurse, I say try it.  If you have friends or family who criticize you, tell them to mind their own business.  You are your child's mother and need to do what you feel is best.

    Also, you will probably have some soreness at first.  You can get nursing lanolin at most stores that sell baby items.  Works wonders.

    Edited to add again:

    Just read your comment about bonding vs milk production.  Yes, oh my gosh, yes!  Let your child nurse.  I strongly suggest that you contact a La Leche League adviser for encouragement and support.  I think your child is lucky to have such a perceptive mother.

  3. breast milk is still best for baby until 2 years

  4. It is entirely possible for you to breast feed. I'ts actually best for babies. If she's only a hfew months only she should be able to pick up on it.

    I know how you feel. Whe my son was born they told me that he had PKU (turbs out he doesn't) but for a bout 72 hours we continplates me getting to prp-lactin shots so I could nurse him because he (if it was PKU) wouldn't be able to eat regular formula. We would have to get milk from a donor and hope they followed the strick diet for donating to a PKU baby.

    I'm sure it would be an incredible bonding thing for you two. I wasn't able to nursy me daughter (bio) because I lost so much blood that my system shut down and I couldn't produce. I really feel like I missed out.

    Good luck and congrats.

  5. You can absolutley breast feed an adopted child!!!! maybe supplementing with bottles may be necessary, but a woman can establish a milk supply just about any time!!! It's definately worth a try!

  6. Speak to your physician, I cannot quote the source, but I believe I have read somewhere about a supplement and treatment that can possibly enable lactation.

  7. well i know a 6 year old dat does lessons....

  8. Talk to your doctor and tell them you wish to breast feed. Yes a adopted child can be breastfed in some cases. Keep in mind not all woman can without having already started lactating for a child of their own. If your body sees a need it can in some cases lactate on its own. You might be able to get some meds from the doctor to help start lactation and tell you what routes to go to start. It wont happen all the sudden remember that.

  9. Go to

    to see lots of articles and information on breastfeeding an adopted child.

    And here is La Leche League's information on adoption & breastfeeding:

    Another interesting article:


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