
Is there an age limit to teeth whitening??

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I'm 16 and looking into getting the zoom treatment! Does anyone know if there are age restrictions to the process!! Thanks for any help!!




  1. I'm pretty sure it's 16 and over, go for it, nothing wrong with having a nice smile =)

  2. 16 and my mom is a dentist and she did it on me! it really works especially the zoom whitening... i just think the age limit is 13 and below...and make sure you follow ur dentist or u will be sorry!! just don't drink coke or pepsi too much or you'll just end u being me....turned yellow 2 days after the whitening.. did not use the maintenance for two days...and yeah forgot to's gonna hurt like h**l after the procedure...good luck!

  3. im 16 and i used crest white strips, they worked great

  4. ask your dentist. Usually dentists try to stray away from young'ns (8-12) but people older than that can handle bleaching.

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