
Is there an age limit to when it is possible to pick up an accent?

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i am hoping to be able to move to Liverpool, England and try to actually get an English accent as i live in NY. do you have any other suggestions about British accents(LIVERPOOL ENGLAND!!!!)




  1. I came to the US when I was 24,  I have a mix of Liverpool and American. People who have been around other English people can pick it out, if they haven't, they  think I am from around Boston. The younger you are the easier it is to pick up an accent.

  2. well, of course you could fake the accent, that's what i always do

    or just practice it.

    lol i dont think there's an age limit

  3. Go to Goodison park if you want to pick up scouse but if you go to Anfield you will come out with a Norwegian accent

  4. Firstly, if you're American why would you want a Liverpool accent? YOU AINT ENGLISH! Unless you're an actor it makes no sense to purposefully change your native accent.

    Anyway, after about age 15, its extremely difficult to change accents naturally. To do that you would need a voice coach.

  5. Actually NY accent and their accent isn't too different. I do not think there is an age limit. If you are around people that speak a certain way for a long period of time, you will start to speak like them and just pick it up---possibly without you even realizing. Why? Because it wont sound any different because thats how everyone around you speaks. You would notice it if you came back to would hear the difference.

  6. I moved to England 7 years ago from the US. I haven't acquired an accent but I have taken to using British words in the correct context.

    However, I'm mid 40's so a bit slow I teenage daughter did start to get an accent fairly quickly.

    She's now back in the US and apparently is told she still has something of an accent though I do expect it to wear off eventually.

    Liverpudlian accents are fairly strong I find...try watching some of the Beatles films to get an idea.

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