
Is there an age or marrital status requirement for fostering to adopt in SC?

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My boyfriend and I have been trying for 2 years to get pregnant. I have taken so much c**p trying to fix all that is screwed up in my "basement." I am sick of taking pills that don't work. We are worried we may not be able to foster to adopt if we aren't married, not of the right age, and are renting with no intention to own with the local market being what it is right now. Can anyone help? Please, if you don't know what you are talking about, don't bother answering! Serious answers only!




  1. I live in South Carolina.  I believe that one of the requirements are for the adoptive parent(s) to be over the age of 25.

    You do not need to own your own home, renting is fine as long as the home is safe and stable.

    I am not certain on the issue of your not being married.  You can contact your local DSS and inquire.  They will be more than happy to assist you.  I <THINK> that only one of you would be able to adopt, since you are not married.  Since you live together, I am not sure if they would approve of that in your home study (also, if only one of you adopts only one of the incomes will be considered, etc.).

    Visit the website for the SC DSS, and if you can not find the information there then contact them via telephone.  Again, I am certain that they will be happy to provide you with the information!

    Good luck!

  2. Not sure on all the laws in your state. But I do know that every state has its rules, plus every agency and country have their own.  As an example...In Wisconsin, you mst be 21, owning or renting. Just stable. You can be unmarried but only one of you can legally adopt the child till married. And depending on what agency, some say you must be 25 or 30.  You should probably speak with some agencies or consider foster to adopt. They have the least strict rules and are much cheaper.   Good luck and adoption...its a wonderful think to do.   I am in the foster/adopt process.

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