
Is there an age requierment to sign for USPS package delivery? NOT ups.?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered a package that will be coming through USPS and I will not be home to sign for it due to work.

I work the whole week and the only one home is my 17 year old son who I would like to sign for it.

Is he allowed or does an 18 or older adult have to sign.? thanks




  1. Usually you don't even have to sign for a USPS package. The only thing you would have to sign for would be a certified or registered item. Usually a registered item (pretty rare for someone to send) can only be signed by a specific person and no one else. As far as a certified goes, it can be left with any person who answers the door and appears to be of "reasonable" responsibilty. To a carrier, that is more or less anyone over the age of 12 or so. So, 17 is not a problem at all. Chances are that the package is probably just Delivery Confirmation anyway; which means the carrier scans the package as he/she is putting on your porch ( no one has to be home). The only way the carrier would need to ring the bell would be if there is no "safe" place to put the package without obvious risk of damage or theft.

    Hope that helps.

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