
Is there an alarm system i can put on my toddler while camping?

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Is there an alarm system i can put on my toddler while camping?




  1. A device you mean?Well, I don't think so. You may talk to the camper leader or people that in charge to check and keep on eye on him  for you especially if your toddler has a special medical problem. But if it is a family camping, you'd rather hire a sitter to keep on eye on him always if you're not in the position to do it and  enjoy yourself.

  2. Hold his hand?

  3. We did 2 camping trips this summer with our toddler and preschooler and certainly did not need an alarm on either of them.  Just keep them close to you at all times.  

  4. yup.

  5. I don't know how old your toddler is, but we've giving our little ones whistles attached to their clothes and we've practiced what to do if they're lost (sit still and blow whistle).

  6. The best alarm system you need will cost you nothing ,,,,,Unless you wear glasses ,,,,That's all you'll need is YOUR EYES & to PAY ATTENTION !!!

    You have a child now & with that child comes

    RESPONSIBILITY ,,,,,,,,,,So be responsible,,,,,,,,And have a Good Time

  7. no just keep an eye on him/her there is an alarm u can put on the baby's ankle that will go off as soon as it gets wet.

  8. NO, if you have a toddler, stay home with him and let the father go camping.  YOU had the child so stay home with it until you do not need a time to watch it.  

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