
Is there an alternative regime to lower cholesterol?

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I have very high cholesterol (despite any diet) and do NOT want to take staton like Lipator. IS there a regeime like fish oil, garlic, etc that is thought to lower cholesteral naturally?




  1. Garlic is a poor way to lower cholesterol levels.  I recent landmark study showed no benefit.  The best way to help your cholesterol is to decrease your saturated fat intake.  Use more mono and poly unsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil, and take fish oils.  Exercise is a great way to increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol).  A more natural product (compared to a statin) is Chinese Red Yeast Rice.  It WILL lower cholesterol but if you take it, talk to your doctor, because if you are on a statin it will lower your cholesterol too much.

  2. The following list includes natural products that have been noted to reduce cholesterol levels through research:

    B Vitamins, besides niacin, decrease the rate at which LDL is damaged through oxidation.

    Carnitine has been seen to increase HDL levels, therefore decreasing total cholesterol levels.

    Chromium has been seen to reduce LDL levels and increase HDL levels.

    Coenzyme Q10 has been noted to reduce total cholesterol serum levels.

    Fiber can be obtained through fiber supplements or through foods such as whole grains and vegetables. It is thought that fiber binds to cholesterol in the small intestine and preventing cholesterol absorption into the bloodstream.

    Garlic has been widely studies for its cholesterol-lowering properties.

    Grape Seed Extract has been noted to reduce total cholesterol serum levels.

    Pantothine has been seen to increase HDL levels, therefore decreasing total cholesterol levels.

    Red yeast rice contains a natural form of lovastatin. Effective natural product for cholesterol control. Included in Native Remedies Cholesto-Rite capsules.

    Royal Jelly has been seen to lower cholesterol levels by reducing some of the cholesterol-elevating effects of nicotine.

    Vitamin C has been noted to slightly reduce cholesterol levels.

    Natural supplements should be used as a part of an overall program that includes dietary and lifestyle changes.

    Lifestyle Changes – includes a cholesterol-lowering diet, physical activity, and weight management. Lifestyle changes revolve around a proper diet with low saturated fat, trans-fats and low cholesterol foods and eating plan as well as weight management, physical activity, drug treatment and stopping smoking. To reduce your risk for heart disease or keep it low, it is also very important to control any other risk factors you may have such as high blood pressure and smoking.

    These foods can also help lower cholesterol:

    1. whole grains and oats

    2. Blueberries

    3. Pistachios,

    4. Walnuts

    5. Almonds

    6. Avocados,

    7. Olives,

    8. Olive oil

    9. Flaxseed oil

    10. 100% cranberry-grape juice

    11. Fish and Fish oil

    12. Black soybeans

    13. Pomegranate juice

    14. Yogurt with live active cultures (probiotics)

  3. Absolutely! Fish Oil and Garlic are great for Cholesterol health.

    In addition, some of the most beneficial natural products for Cholesterol health are Red Yeast Rice, Policosanol, Beta Sitosterol, Omega 3 and 9 Fatty Acids (typically in Fish Oil as you mentioned, as well as Flax Oil and Olive Oil), Guggul, Niacin, Lecithin, PhosphatidylCholine, and any good soluble fiber.

    Each of those help with different aspects of Cholesterol health, so you may need a variety of them... try one or two of them out. Aside from that, there's always the standard plan of diet and exercise, but that's normally just increasing soluble fiber (veggies, fruits, grains, etc) and decreasing bad foods (some sugars, certain fatty foods, etc). Good luck!

  4. Yes, there are several things you can do to lower cholesterol naturally.  The problem is none of them are sure-fire methods to get your cholesterol down, so you'll have to try them and see what happens.

    Here's a list of things you can do:

    1.  Take 3 tablespoonfuls of olive oil per day, either by putting it on your salad or cooking with it or actually pouring it into a measuring cup and swallowing it (it's nasty, but you get used to it).  Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat, which has been shown to raise "good" cholesterol and lower "bad" cholesterol.

    2.  Get more fiber into your diet.  Most people who have high cholesterol are able to lower their cholesterol by as much as 50% by getting at least 30g of fiber into their diets every day.  Best sources of fiber are apples, beans/legumes, dried fruit like prunes, and whole grain breads/cereals/pasta.  WARNING:  30g of fiber is a lot, so you may need to take a fiber supplement.  Orange Metamucil powder isn't bad if you mix it in with 16 ounces of water and some orange flavored Crystal Light.

    3.  Take fish oil and garlic, as you mentioned.  Fish oil is actually better for triglycerides, but if your triglycerides are high and you use fish oil to get them down, your cholesterol will also drop.  Garlic only drops your total cholesterol about 10 points on average, but hey, every little bit helps.

    4.  Cut trans fat out.  Trans fat is any kind of partially or fully hydrogenated oil (DO NOT believe the labels that say "No Trans Fat" -- many food items claim to have no trans fat but they have partially or fully hydrogenated oils in them).  Trans fat raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol.

    5.  Eat more fish.  Fish is also high in monounsaturated fat, but it has heart-healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 trans fatty acids as an added bonus

    6.  Eat nuts.  All nuts are high in fat, but they're high in monounsaturated fat.  They also have minerals your body needs.  Almonds are best, but eat whatever nuts you like.

    7.  Avoid high fructose corn syrup like the plague.  It is the father of all dietary evil.  Soft drinks are LOADED with it.  That stuff sends your triglycerides through the roof and also raises your bad cholesterol.

  5. My herbal drink lowered my cholesterol.  It has made my mother-in-law recover from her arthritis.  It is like a cure-all for many ailments.  My friends who tried it recovered from their asthma and diabetes problems.  It is comprised of 5 power herbs.  The most powerful herb, moringa, is even known to cure cancer.  Search the web for Moringa and you’ll know what I mean.

  6. I've lowered mine about 50 points through food and fish oil supplements.  I added beans including hummus, and eat a lot of oatmeal (at least 5-minute cooking, NOT instant).  Lots of fresh veggies (and cooked) which soak up the cholesterol in your gut and prevent it being absorbed--high fiber is key in this.  NO fried foods and cut down on the red meat.  That's what did it for me.

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