
Is there an atheist out there that likes President Bush?

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I know most dont like him, do any atheist like him?




  1. I guess there may be a few but I am certainly not one of them. Did not vote for him either time.

  2. I once heard of one. A mate of a mate said his aunt's friend said she might quite like him.  

  3. Is there anyone out there that like pres bush

  4. Not I

  5. No. Atheist tend to be a little smarter than GW.

    I did vote for his old man once.

  6. I like him better than the alternatives that we had in the past elections. I'm neither right nor left. I think the man is smarter than his speaking ability suggests. He's stuck by his guns in spite of intense scrutiny, I'll give him that.

  7. There is a chance.

    It isn't me though.  

  8. I don't like him because he's a lying, ex-alcoholic frat boy.  My atheism has nothing to do with it.

  9. I don't think much of the world likes George W., in general.

  10. I like him.  The alternatives (Gore and Kerry) were too disgusting to consider.


  11. i dont like him.

    but i dont like mccain or obama either

    ...or clinton

    god i did not want clinton to win

  12. Despise him.


  13. No one with an IQ above single figures likes President Bush

  14. Don't like him.

    - individual

  15. I think he and Cheney and probably Osama Bin Ladin masterminded 9-11 and he's a social idiot ( you just don't massage foreign dignitaries ) and the war was probably started just for oil and war revenues but he has put a bunch of bases right in the middle of the Middle East and Islam does seem to be bent on global conquest and without that oil we might all wind up starving to death in the streets a lot sooner than we'd otherwise have to and we might get overrun by a foreign army first so...maybe we'll look back on this a hundred years from now and hail him as a hero. Assuming human kind is even around in 2108.

  16. Man, not me.  I loath the phucker!

  17. Given that most atheists share a view that fact and evidence based views make more sense than factless ones, it would be unusual for any such atheist to be able to approve of the myriads of fact free and evidence free decisions made by Chimpenfuhrer Bush and his team of morons.

    Heck, even Bob Woodward's book on the Bush administration during the time that such idiotic decisions were made by them is titled State Of Denial.

    Worst. President. Ever. From the ruins of Baghdad to the ruins of the Lower Ninth Ward, theres not any part of US policy and practice that this band of fools didn't mess up.

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