
Is there an auto insurance provider that bases their rates more on driving experience than financial status?

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Is there an auto insurance provider that bases their rates more on driving experience than financial status?




  1. No.  Back when credit scoring was new, some of them did.  But what happened was, the corrolation between credit score and losses was SO Strong, that the companies that didn't credit score, ended up writing more than an average amount of insurance for people with low credit scores - which meant, they ended up charging lower premiums for people with MORE claims, and THAT Meant, they lost too much money.

    So in order to stay in business, they've pretty much ALL had to move over to credit scoring.

  2. Try this one - - I personally have their car insurance, cause it is the cheapest for my family in our area. As I know they did not check my credit at all.

  3. Insurance companies today look not only at your driving record  but your financial status because it has been shown that people who have financial problems typically have car accidents and/or driving infractions as well.

  4. Yes I believe that AIG does (at least 6 months ago they didn't run credit scores).  You can request a quote from them at:

    They are only one of a few companies left that don't run a credit score.

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