
Is there an easy way to give cough medicine to kids without shoving it down their throats?

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Is there an easy way to give cough medicine to kids without shoving it down their throats?




  1. I found some strips that dissolve on the tongue, and some Mucinex powder that does the same. That way they don't have to drink liquid or swallow pills.

  2. Try one of those mini turkey baster things, but buy the kind that you just put it in their mouth and push a button to "shoot" the medicine into their throat. You don't even taste it, and you don't have to swallow! SO EASY!

  3. Have something the child likes to eat ready and tell them once they have the medicine they can have the treat. I know its a bribe but it worked with my daughter, I told her that she could have the medicine she could have a treat of her choice.

  4. Ask at the pharmacy what kind of drinks the medicine can go into without having it lose it's effect...then just mix it in the drink. Nine times out of ten it works and the child has no idea they even had medicine.

  5. They have cough lollipops and lozenges if that helps.

  6. the easy way is get her or him a drink of water,milk,cool aid and put it in his or hir drink mix it up real good and give it to her or him they want know

  7. Have them to hold their nose, it doesn`t taste guite as bad. You could get a dropper or large  syringe (no  needle)

  8. If it's liquid mix in a little bit of apple juice, don't tell them it's in there.

    If its' a pill wrap it in a fruit roll-up, or a warm softened starburst or airhead.

  9. My kids like the strips.  But I've also learned that honey is just as effective as many otc cough medicine, and they take it well.  (Of course, it's not for babies).

  10. if its a girl tell her it will make her a princess, if its a boy tell him it will make him a muscle-man

    ...or you can mix it into their milk

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