
Is there an easy way to keep deer from eating my plants?

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Is there an easy way to keep deer from eating my plants?




  1. We live in the country and have trouble with deer, and squirrels. So, I try to always plant things that the deer and squirrels won't eat. However, since that's not always possible, I've had our farmer neighbors swear by the two items below:

    1. Spread human urine around the area.

    2. Scatter cut human hair all around the plants.

    Hope this works.

    Best wishes!

  2. Two cheap ways

    1 - Go to your local barber shop and get a few bags of hair. Spread the hair around the area you would like to protect.

    2 - You can put some of your dirty laundry around the area you would like to protect. Your neighbors might think your nuts though.....

  3. "Plantskydd" has worked for us. It comes in a spray bottle and I believe it's from Sweden and can be bought in some plant nurseries. It's expensive but works. It's nasty smelling (mostly pig's blood). Nothing has touched the trees we sprayed with it so far. Give it  shot!

  4. This sounds gross, but, human urine around garden will keep the deer away.

  5. Deer are highly adaptable, so plan to change approaches frequently.  I've used "Deer Stop" from Home Depot (it contains rotten eggs and it works well).  My mother buys Irish Spring soap and shaves it with a vegetable peeler into the flower bed.  My hairdresser gives away hair clippings to people, and others I know bought a motion activated sprinkler--to spray the deer when they approach.  You may need to experiment to find what works on your deer, and don't be afraid to mix and match.

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